Redundancy Controllers
(All controllers available with network port for configuration and control)Waveguide

- DDA286 for larger systems
- DDA267 for larger non-rack mount and outdoor systems
- DDA219 1+1 for fixed applications
- DDA257 1+2 1U for fixed applications
- DDA224 1+1 for mobile applications
- DDA290 1+1, 1+2 with colour touchscreen
- DDA282 1+2 2U for fixed applications
- DDA293 for smaller non-rack mount and outdoor systems
- DDA78 CRCA/VPC Controller
- Outdoor versions of above available - please consult factory
Up/Down Converters
- DDA289 up to 1+8, supports most converters
- DDA219 1+1 for fixed applications
- DDA257 1+2 for fixed applications
- DDA224 1+1 for mobile applications
- DDA289 up to 1+8 for many types
- DDA219 1+1 for fixed applications
- DDA257 1+2 for fixed applications
- DDA224 1+1 for mobile applications
Amplifier Subsystems
- DDA289 up to 1+8 for small signal amplifiers
- DDA219 1+1 for fixed applications
- DDA257 1+2 for fixed applications
- DDA224 1+1 for mobile applications
- DDA237 up to 1+8 with integral amplifiers and fault detection

- DDA219-X90 1+1 with PSU monitoring; 1U dual mains feed
- DDA257-X90 1+2 with PSU monitoring; 1U dual mains feed
- DDA86 1+1 or 1+2 with power supply monitoring
Comms Links
- DDA209 dial-in override for serial links
- DDA219 1+1 for fixed applications
- DDA224 1+1 for mobile applications
- DDA86 RS-422, serial, IEEE-488 data
Video (Coaxial ASI etc)
- DDA86 coaxial, RS-422 etc
- DDA89 up to 1+8
- DDA219 1+1 for fixed applications
- DDA257 1+2 for fixed applications
- DDA224 1+1 for mobile applications
General Purpose

- DDA219 1+1 for fixed applications
- DDA257 1+2 for fixed applications
- DDA224 1+1 for mobile applications
- DDA290 1+1, 1+2 with colour touchscreen
We can also offer a wide range of redundancy controllers based on standard units such as the DDA89, the DDA286, DDA219, DDA290, DDA293 or on various other standard modules. Signal types switched comprise anything that will go through a mechanical relay or switch - latching types are used wherever available for best reliability and minimum power consumption. Where appropriate solid state switching can be used - for example PIN diode switches, audio matrices, RS-422 data. Alternatively commercially available routers are used in conjunction with our controller to provide special signal handling requirements, or where size or other considerations dictate.
Examples of switching systems built to date include:
- Modem Redundancy Switches
- Baseband and IF switching
- Modem settings updated on changeover
- Facilities similar to DDA89-02
- Video encoder/decoder redundancy switches
- Balanced audio and IF switching
- Encoder/decoder settings updated on changeover
- Video Redundancy Controllers
- All switching via routers
- Standby only controlled
These are just a few of the configurations which are possible; to discuss your particular application please contact the factory.