Waveguide Switch Controllers - DDA286 Family
- 10/100baseT network port
- Browser-based configuration
- SNMP support
- TCP/IP sockets-based comms
- Other features similar to DDA86 (below)
Data Sheet: DDA286_data.pdf.
Waveguide Switch Controllers - DDA86 Family

- Redundancy controller with power levelling
- Ideal for LNA/LNB control, switching control
- Single & redundant power supply configurations
- LNA/LNB power supply modules
- WGS, coaxial switch control
- RS-422 data switching option
- SNMP & other network interface options
Further Information:
- 3U 19" Rack
- RC&M Port
- Front Panel for local Control
- Flexible configuration - many interface options
- Waveguide Switch Control Option
- Coaxial Switch Control option
- RS-422 data control option
- LNA/LNB power supplies with monitoring
- IEEE-488 switchover
- Serial data switchover
- Mute outputs for HPAs
- Alarm inputs with buffered outputs
- System Watchdog capability with switching
- d.c. circuit switching (audio etc)
- Redundancy control facilities
- Single or dual power supplies
- Field-updateable configuration
Data Sheet: DDA86.PDF.